Hybridized Quantum Algorithms for Simulation of Chemistry and Field Theory
In this lecture I will discuss recent developments by my colleagues and I that examine the application of novel and hybridized methods for simulating physical systems by transforming into the interaction picture or by incorporating error correction directly into the simulation algorithm. In particular, I will go into detail about how such methods can give the best known scaling for simulating fermionic systems in first quantization and show how these methods can also be used to simulate U(1) lattice gauge theories and collective at cost that scales better with the cutoff than any known method. Additionally, I will show that these approaches can be used to simulate constrained quantum dynamics efficiently unlike most previously considered schemes. Finally, I will show a new approach to quantum error correction for lattice gauge theories that allows the Gauss’ law constraint to allow us to reduce the qubit overhead needed to perform quantum error correction below that expected from a naive implementation of the [5,1,3] code.
Seminar video: QuantHEP Seminar YouTube channel